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Scheduled streaming
I would like to set up a scheduled event that will connect the streams at a given time and disconnect again later. This is for a second (free but licensed) station I'm looking at. This is to enable the automated playing of some pre-recorded shows where we could use PlayIt to connect to the server, play the show(s), then disconnect to leave the server open for another presenter to connect or to default to autoDJ. To explain. The server only supports one log in at a time. We have live presenters who need to be able to log in and do their show. They do so directly to the server. We also have some pre-recorded shows that I need to feed to the server at given times. For example. Sid's Show is set up here in PlayIt using a clock and the clock scheduler to play at 3pm on Friday for 2 hours. I would like to have the ability to start the streams at 3pm and disconnect at 5pm There are several of these type of shows, Mikes Music might be another, 8pm for an hour the same day. But, inbetween there are two other presenters who connect to the server directly to do their shows. PlayIt does not have any means of letting a presenter log in, and my Internet connection changes IP address without warning (dynamic...) so that wouldn't work anyway. These presenters don't have a stream of their own so we cannot pick up a remote URL, although that works for some and we could even re-stream a remote URL using a scheduled event if it was available. The server is totally separate to PlayIt of course.
Comment on this feature request:
Andy Pell commented
This is exactly what is needed, would make pil more flexible.
Aiden King commented
A great feature that needs adding.
Ron Ackerman commented
I have the same type of issue. I do a 2 hour show twice a week. I'm based 500+ miles from the studio. We have 20+ DJs who connect from remote locations. Occasionally I can't do the show so it's either record it in advance and send it to the studio or have another DJ do my show. This feature would allow me to only have to record my breaks. Schedule the start of my show and connect to the server on the hour (or in my case 1/2 hour), then when finished, end the scheduled show and disconnect from the server so the next DJ and connect.
Andrew Sutton commented
Yeah, without this feature the software doesn't really fit into the way I work with my community radio station. It's got great features, but if this was possible - I'd dedicate my life to knowing this software! :)
Alan Caldwell commented
This is a feature that I would use. At the moment the work around is to create a personal icecast server that remote presenters stream to then I can pick up that stream with PlayIt Live and restream to the main server. However, if anything goes wrong with my server or PC then it all falls down.
Ron Ackerman commented
To add a note to this, today the main station is off line and So I'm doing all the streaming from my studio using automation. However at 5PM a live DJ needs to connect to the serve to do his show. I have to be here to stop the stream so he can connect and also be here to reconnect after his show is finished.
Gavin Richards commented
yes this would be great, as you could then schedule streams from your computer during the day time and revert to the online AutoDJ during the night
Ryan Gavin commented
This is 100% a feature I would use - we connect and disconnect from our main streaming server several times per day, and I would love to be able to automate inside PlayItLive. Willing to pay for an addon too!
CoverFM Radio commented
Please make this ASAP! It would mean that I could set up a show to air at exactly the time i need it and I wouldnt need to be in studio to trigger it


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