17 Jul 2024 (v2.15.2.4532)


  • Adding more useful messages when a CSV track import is unable to import a particular row


  • Fixing an issue with Protected Fixed Time Markers that caused performance issues with scheduling
  • Fixing an issue where the actual start time was ignored in playout log editor user interface and it would show the calculated time instead
  • Fixing an issue where a track that finished earlier than expected could cause the scheduler not to add new tracks to the end of an hour
  • Fixing an issue that could cause a "Source array was not long enough" when recording a voice track in the segue editor
  • Fixing an issue where an Aux Input that failed to initialise would cause an error
  • Fixing an issue that could cause the playout pattern to schedule more tracks at the end of the hour if the next hour started earlier because of a fixed time marker tolerance

26 May 2024 (v2.15.2.4490)


  • Fixing envelope issues due to precision loss that could cause the fade envelope to not be set on a player resulting in either the fade not working or silence in some scenarios like Hook Sequences or Advert Blocks.

14 May 2024 (v2.15.2.4488)


  • Auto Adjust no longer adjusts the fade of a "No Fade" track if the maximum segue adjustment setting is set to 0 seconds.


  • Fixing QuickCarts on Remote Studio where they could not be played unless first accessed via the Desktop interface
  • Fixing crash when microphone could not be initialised when recording a voice track
  • Changing how audio files are loaded to mitigate against thread pool exhaustion.

18 Apr 2024 (v2.15.2.4474)


  • Fixing login issue with Remote Studio on latest version of Chrome (v124)

14 Apr 2024 (v2.15.2.4472)


  • Fixing bug where Hidden track groups would be shown on Remote Studio interface

06 Apr 2024 (v2.15.2.4468)


  • Fixing issue where audio could be distorted more than expected with a gain increase
  • Reverting default duck amount on Remote Studio

02 Apr 2024 (v2.15.2.4465)


  • Fixing text on message displayed when connecting to Remote Studio from a PlayIt Live or PlayIt Manager instance that is running an incompatible data version.
  • Fixing bug where cue points may not be re-analysed on Monitored Folders
  • Fixing bug where a cue out point could be lost if a file is updated via a Monitored Folder.

27 Mar 2024 (v2.15.2.4460)


  • Fixing potential crash when editing volume envelope on the segue editor
  • Fixing track play history display for remote studio machines in timezones ahead of UTC

20 Mar 2024 (v2.15.2.4457)


  • Making generally available

19 Mar 2024 (v2.15.1.4456) (BETA)


  • Fixing possible error when refreshing the track list after adding tracks
  • Fixing incorrect track duration display on web remote voice tracking

18 Mar 2024 (v2.15.1.4454) (BETA)


  • Fixing voice track upload when using Remote Studio. Previously audio could be slightly corrupted.
  • Fixing ducking audio level to make monitored audio consistent with played back audio. The default duck level has been changed to 50% to account for the new logarithmic volume scaling. You may need to adjust your own duck level if this was previously set.

14 Mar 2024 (v2.15.1.4449) (BETA)


  • Fixing performance issues when managing tracks
  • Including recent fixes that were applied to later builds of PlayIt Live 2.14
  • Fixing width of Played column on Logged Tracks
  • Fixing Move Tracks button so it is anchored to the right on resize

06 Mar 2024 (v2.15.1.4447) (BETA)


  • Fixing "ago" text for last played
  • Fixing a potential crash when scheduling the playout log with certain playout policy conditions
  • Fixing Remote Studio font sizing

05 Mar 2024 (v2.15.1.4445) (BETA)

New Features

  • Title separation
  • Track play history grid. View a history of when a track or its artist was played. This feature requires the Advanced Scheduling module.
  • Customisable columns on the playout log. Right-click the column headings to select columns.
  • Early out point on tracks. Sweepers now use this point to sweep across two tracks
  • Track audio preview on Listed Track Groups and Move Tracks window.
  • Manage track groups from the track editor
  • Full screen mode keyboard shortcut


  • Including {{TrackID}}, {{TrackGroups}}, {{StartedUtc}}, {{StartedLocal}} placeholders to Now Playing information
  • Intro can now be cleared and filtered using the "Is Empty" filter. Previously an unset intro would be set to 0.00. Note that only new tracks will have an empty intro, existing tracks will still have an intro of 0.00.
  • Last played information on the live playout log (when an item is expanded) will now show dates more than a day ago.
  • Added support for dayparting and tempo adjustment when exporting track data in CSV format.
  • Scheduler now takes into account a larger timeframe when determining selection weights. This will ensure a track played longer ago has a greater chance of being selected than one that was played recently.
  • Theming tidy up
  • Changing how volume fading works so it is logarithmic, rather than linear. This means it is less sudden.


  • Monitored folders will no longer cause tracks to lose information such as cue points when a file is updated
  • The default segue type is respected when adding new clock or playout log items
  • The licence file is no longer updated unecessarily unless it has changed. There are previous instances where partial files could be written resulting in an invalid licence.
  • Due to various user concerns, the default sample rate has been reverted to 44100
  • If the sample rate of segue editor carts and voice tracks differed the cart could play at a different speed. This has been resolved.
  • Track CSV export now exported in the standard invariant culture, ensuring consistency across locales. Import formats must have all numbers in dot-decimal format (0.00) and any boolean values in TRUE/FALSE format.
  • Track CSV export no longer requires every column field to be specified. At a minimum, please specify Artist, Title, Path and Duration.
  • Fixing segue behaviour when playout log item is marked as segue STOP automation but automation is ON. Segue will be treated as NEXT in this scenario.
  • Fixing decoding of non-ASCII characters on metadata coming from direct Priority Streams

29 Sep 2023 (v2.14.2.4360)


  • Fixing issue where tracks taking a long time to load/unload could cause a "timeout" popup error, particularly when Remote Studio was also in use.
  • Fixing issue where QuickCart settings would not be saved after re-ordering pages
  • Fixing bug where item may not always be dropped into the correct position on Remote Studio

10 Sep 2023 (v2.14.2.4339)


  • Adding the ability to export Reconcilation ID from logged tracks


  • Fixing issue where Add New Tracks Wizard could show an error if tracks has been previously dragged in via the main interface Track List
  • Fixing thread safety issues that could cause crashes or freezes when Loading.

22 Aug 2023 (v2.14.2.4322)


  • Adding a new playout log format (PlayIt Playout Log Format 2.0), with version 1.0 being deprecated. We are working with music scheduling vendors to support this new simplified format. You may refer music scheduling vendors to the specification if they have not yet implemented this format. It can be found here: https://pipl.playitsoftware.com/

28 Jul 2023 (v2.14.2.4241)


  • Fixing bug where Web Remote Voice Tracking audio could glitch after prolonged use
  • Fixing issues where sync connection to PlayIt Live/Manager could be lost
  • Fixing import/export of playout log via Remote Studio which would import/export from/to the wrong hours

25 Jun 2023 (v2.14.2.4205)


  • Fixing bug where, after changing audio settings, the sample rate could become incorrect on the Main Mix or Remote Studio Mix-Minus outputs and well as causing local playback to skip

20 Jun 2023 (v2.14.2.4204)


  • Fixing issue where some audio files would become locked and not released until the software was restarted
  • Fixing issue where newly dropped tracks in web remote voice tracking could not load the audio or waveform

17 Jun 2023 (v2.14.2.4201)


  • Changing Scheduled Events so they will run in the background, ensuring they do not block subsequent Scheduled Events from running. Individual Scheduled Event Actions will still run in sequence.


  • Fixing bug where new scheduled items via the Remote Management clock scheduled would show "NaN" time.
  • Improving issues where Remote Studio would prematurely show "Could not establish connection".
  • Fixing an issue in Remote Studio where a newly started track did not appropriately duck when it was supposed to, even though the ducking button was activated.

30 May 2023 (v2.14.2.4182)

New Features

  • Adding support for Utility Command action within Scheduled Events. This adds support for downloading from FTP and copying files - useful for syndicated shows. You may find documentation for this here: https://support.playitsoftware.com/support/solutions/articles/5000882915-playit-live-utility-commands


  • Adding additional logging and status to the Sync to Remote Management Server window


  • Fixing playout log playback issue if a voice track placeholder with an un-recorded voice track was marked as protected
  • Fixing bug where Remote Studio notifications to a PlayIt Live or PlayIt Manager sync server were not received by the synced instance.
  • Improving message if a connection to Remote Studio failed to initialise.
  • Fixing overlay which would cover Remote Studio players if the Advanced Scheduling Module was not licensed.

22 May 2023 (v2.14.2.4167)


  • Fixing bug where Remote Studio ducking could cause Pre-Opened priority streams to fade up

21 May 2023 (v2.14.2.4166)


  • If PlayIt Live is unable to determine the IP address of your machine when establishing a direct real-time connection to PlayIt Live, you may directly specify your external IP address via File > Settings > Advanced and entering the following line into Additional Advanced Settings: RemoteStudioExternalIPAddress=
  • Added a button "Show Debug Information" if a real-time connection could not be established for Remote Studio. This debug information can help Support determine the reason why the connection failed.


  • Fixing crash when using remote voice tracking.
  • Remote Studio: Improving the error message if audio fails to initialise for an expected reason

19 May 2023 (v2.14.2.4162)


  • Fixing bug when moving columns up and down on the Remote Studio track column selector
  • Fixing start time sizing for 12 hours clocks on Remote Studio
  • Fixing clock schedule to use the correct starting day of the week on Remote Management interface

18 May 2023 (v2.14.2.4160)


  • Making generally available

17 May 2023 (v2.14.1.4159) (BETA)


  • Fixing potential crash after closing the Remote Access Server configuration window immediately after starting/stopping server.

16 May 2023 (v2.14.1.4158) (BETA)


  • Making HTTPS the default for the remote access server
  • Adding a copy button to the External URL in the Remote Access Server window to make it easier to distribute the URL to remote users.
  • Minor styling improvements to the Remote Studio interface.


  • Fixing parsing of voice track durations in PIPL import format for locales using the dot (.) as a thousands separator

15 May 2023 (v2.14.1.4155) (BETA)


  • Adding support for cue sheets created by PlayoutONE
  • Adding Test button to PowerShell to test PowerShell scheduled event actions. Also included support for using pwsh (PowerShell 7+)


  • Fixing issue where two tracks could play at once after a hard fixed time marker
  • Fixing issue where ticking the "Start PlayIt Live" checkbox after installation did not always start PlayIt Live.

12 May 2023 (v2.14.1.4151) (BETA)


  • Synchronising the 'duck' state between connected hosts so everyone can see when the audio is ducked, not just the host who pressed the duck button.


  • Fixing scenario where an hour could be rescheduled if the underlying clock scheduled for that hour has been changed significantly.

11 May 2023 (v2.14.1.4148) (BETA)


  • Fixing error when scheduling advert blocks.

10 May 2023 (v2.14.1.4147) (BETA)

New Features

  • Remote Studio, a browser-based interface to allow remote presenters to connect to PlayIt Live to host live shows (Requires Remote Management module)
  • Support for API keys to programmatically control PlayIt Live (Requires Remote Management module).
  • HTTP-based Remote Control API for developers. Visit https://www.playitsoftware.com/PlayItLiveAPIDocs for documentation. (Requires Remote Management module)
  • Ability to limit what remote voice tracking users can change in an hour. Select between Full editing, or Voice tracks only. A default can be selected in Settings.
  • Support for soft deleting items in remote voice tracking
  • Support for seeing protected items in remote voice tracking


  • Licence information now includes if your licence is being managed by a third party, such as one of our cloud partners.
  • All sample rates within PlayIt Live are now 48000Hz, instead of 44100Hz
  • Remote Access Server will try to automatically configure port forwarding rules through your router using uPnP. This means you may no longer need to manually configure port forwarding rules via your router.
  • Remote Access Configuration background service will no longer update your IP address with your playitradio.com host when PlayIt Live is not running to prevent issues when a backup server is being used with the same hostname.
  • Improving the name of remote voice track filenames in the Audio Store in order to help find the correct file for diagnostic purposes.
  • Log in and Register sections when PlayIt Live is first launched now use your default web browser, rather than an embedded one. This allows easier use of password managers and resolves display issues for some users with the embedded version.


  • Fixes for audio playback issues on browser-based remote voice tracking.
  • Priority streams direct connection will now allow reconnects if no data has been received from that user for a period of time
  • Fixing issue where PlayIt Live will freeze up if a track was taking a long time to unload from a player
  • Fixing issue where fixed time marker was processed even when it was soft deleted

24 Feb 2023 (v2.13.2.4020)


  • Using a generated filename for advert play reports based on the campaign name and dates


  • Fixing a bug where the system could add and remove empty items repeatedly on the playout log
  • Fixing a bug where incorrect estimated time could be shown for empty items
  • Fixing a bug where the disabled state of an advert campaign would not be retained after a restart
  • Validating that an import file has been selected when importing into the playout log
  • Fixing the formatting of the play time of an advert in the advert log so it is displayed in your local time
  • Fixing an error when trying to perform auto adjust with Unscheduled items in the log

06 Feb 2023 (v2.13.2.4008)


  • Fixing issue where 'empty' items did not show in some hours
  • Fixing issue where auto adjust could adjust incorrectly with protected items with custom segues
  • Fixing issue where Protected status from advert block and hook sequence clock items did not propagate to playout log items
  • Fixing issue where a Filtered Track Group with 'When Added' in the filter did not work in PlayIt VoiceTrack
  • Fixing issue where playout log did not sync to Remote Management server after an 'Import Hour' operation
  • Fixing issue where Auto Adjust 'Revert' would not revert items at the start of an hour if the previous hour overran
  • Fixing issue where synced on air state could get out of sync with on air instance

20 Dec 2022 (v2.13.2.3954)


  • Fixing an issue where protected items before a fixed time marker could cause a miscalculation of start times and unnecessarily schedule more items at the end of the hour

01 Dec 2022 (v2.13.2.3932)


  • Fixing issue where Remote URLs would not be routed through to main mix, resulting in silence on the stream
  • Fixing potential crash when synced to PlayIt Manager if a connection to PlayIt Manager could not be made when authenticating a direct priority stream user
  • Fixing issue where items before a fixed time marker with a tolerance could flicker between skipped and not skipped
  • Fixing issue where a scheduled event action could fire at the wrong time when using priority streams for items placed in the middle of the hour
  • Fixing issue where some advert start times were not logged if the same advert was played in the same position in the next advert block
  • Fixing potential hang when seeking repeatedly using the progress bar on the main interface

19 Nov 2022 (v2.13.2.3917)


  • Fixing memory leak that could cause memory to increase to several gigabytes

14 Nov 2022 (v2.13.2.3911)

New Features

  • Updating to General Release from Beta

09 Nov 2022 (v2.13.1.3910) (BETA)


  • Fixing issue where segue editor audio could stop if Play was clicked without first clicking Stop.
  • Fixing issue where Play Time was not calculated corrected for times after a soft Fixed Time Marker

07 Nov 2022 (v2.13.1.3908) (BETA)

New Features

  • Tempo adjustments on tracks. Tracks can be played at a different speed if required.
  • Automatically adjust segues and tempos to fit tracks to the hour or fixed time marker with the Tools > Auto Adjust feature. Auto Adjust can be run periodically using a Scheduled Event Action in the playout log, or creating a Scheduled Event. (Requires Advanced Scheduling module)
  • Soft delete items from the playout log. Useful to temporarily delete items you might want back later. This is now the default action when clicking the Delete (bin/trash) icon. To hard delete, hold the CTRL key while clicking, or it is also available via the right-click context menu.
  • Protect items in the playout log to prevent them from being affected by fixed time markers or Auto Adjust. This is useful if you have items that must play, such as a news jingle before the news. You can protect items via the right-click context menu.
  • An 'on-air' machine is now enforced when synchronsing PlayIt Live instances using the Remote Management Module. This ensures only one machine can be playing at one time and is the one responsible for automatic scheduling. It also ensures that 'production studio' machines cannot accidentally hit 'play', affecting the live log.
  • The on-air machine is now reflected on the screen of any off-air machines synchronised via the Remote Management Module.
  • Export playout log hours to a plain text format for sharing with other presenters.


  • Better support for daylights savings changes on M3U playlist imports
  • Over/underrun indication is shown when remote voice tracking via a web browser
  • For scheduling, the casing and any spaces are ignored when considering if an artist is the same for artist separation. For example, A B B A will be treated the same as Abba.
  • Zero-length break notes are no longer loaded into players. This allows voice tracks preceded by an informational break note can be recorded with the preceding and succeeding track.
  • A track that overran and is eventually dropped due to a fixed time marker will be available for selection by the scheduler after it is known it did definitely not play.


  • When voice tracking in the web browser, when closing the segue editor while still recording, the next time the segue editor opens it returns to its previous state.
  • When voice tracking in the web browser, the end trim is now respected on the segue editor.

26 May 2022 (v2.12.2.3768)


  • Fixing syncing "The file exists" error after connected to a remote server for a period of time

25 May 2022 (v2.12.2.3767)


  • Fixing issue where SSL bindings for localhost or other hosts might not work for some users
  • Change to re-apply SSL bindings if they are deleted or changed outside of the application

25 May 2022 (v2.12.2.3765)


  • Browser-based voice tracking (BBVT): Adding favicon
  • BBVT: Making segue editor popup draggable to view playlist underneath
  • BBVT: Showing item that is currently being edited for easy visibility when dragging the segue editor
  • BBVT: Adding tick beside recorded voice tracks
  • BBVT: Adding tooltip to titles in the track list to more easily see longer titles
  • BBVT: Adding session timeout so if a user remains idle for 5 minutes in the web interface they will be automatically logged out to allow others to connect
  • BBVT: Adding default voice track gain which is applied to any newly added voice tracks
  • BBVT: Showing the scheduled time on the segue editor for easier 'time checks'


  • BBVT: Fixing issue where settings popup could be continually shown to select microphone device after clicking record
  • BBVT: Fixing issue where ducked audio envelope was not applied in the segue editor
  • BBVT: Fixing play button behaviour to be consistent with desktop version
  • BBVT: Fixing playback issues where tracks might not play if playing was started quickly after loading

19 May 2022 (v2.12.2.3755)


  • Fixing SSL issue when remote logging into PlayIt Live when connected to another instance over a local area network

18 May 2022 (v2.12.2.3751)


  • Fixes to synchronisation over a local area network

18 May 2022 (v2.12.2.3750)


  • Fixing bug where an error would be shown if your IP address was failed to be detected

16 May 2022 (v2.12.2.3749)

New Features

  • Browser-based voice tracking: Remote voice track on any Chrome-based browser across Windows, macOS and ChromeOS
  • HTTPS support for Remote Management and Remote Voice Tracking (no more "Not Secure" browser message)
  • Automatically updating of your IP address to a static .playitradio.com address of your choice
  • Clock colours in the clock schedule


  • Zoomable clock schedule
  • Configurable "Track Groups" column. Easily see which track groups a track is in from the track list.

28 Mar 2022 (v2.11.2.3617)


  • Adding data compression to voice tracking track and track group requests to speed up download for large track and track group sets.


  • Fixing bug where automatic backup settings could be lost after changing settings via File > Settings.

08 Mar 2022 (v2.11.2.3570)


  • Adding support for reading CartChunk data from WAV files including the Cue In (AUDs), Intro (INT) and Cue Out (SEGs) points
  • Adding support for reading ISRC and Publisher (Record Label) from ID3 metadata

18 Feb 2022 (v2.11.2.3556)


  • Due to multiple support enquiries, the default audio load timeout has been increased from 10 seconds to 30 seconds


  • Fixing issue where Facebook login window would appear under the activation window
  • Fixing Priority Streams issue where direct streams could get stuck saying "Silence detected" even if the remote user re-connects.

02 Dec 2021 (v2.11.2.3495)


  • Adding configurable Priority Stream fade time via an advanced setting. Contact support for more information.


  • Fixing bug where Notes column was not saved on clock items

01 Dec 2021 (v2.11.2.3491)


  • Remote URLs and Priority Streams now support AAC streams
  • Adding advanced setting option to separate titles instead of tracks. Please contact support for details.


  • Fixing issue where audio could stop around advert blocks
  • Fixing waveform loading on web interface if large audio files (>100MB) were loaded into the browser.
  • Fixing startup crash if 'Seconds Per Fit' setting was changed to 0 in settings.
  • Fixing issue where fixed time marker could skip previous items incorrectly
  • Fixing issue where new items would be scheduled on the end of an hour even if they were not required
  • Fixing issue where PlayIt Live would continue to try to load a failing URL file.

16 Nov 2021 (v2.11.2.3476)


  • Promoting to stable version
  • Adding Gain, Hook Start and Hook End to columns and track export/import


  • Speculative fix to try and resolve blank or incomplete waveforms showing on segue editor or track editor.
  • Fixing issue where tags would not be saved when edited via the remote management web UI

13 Nov 2021 (v2.11.1.3471) (BETA)


  • Fixing issue where playout log item entire row highlighting did not work for regions that use a comma for a decimal point.
  • Speculative fix for "Drag drop registration did not succeed" error that is shown to some users at startup.

10 Nov 2021 (v2.11.1.3470) (BETA)

New Features

  • Daypart separation playout policy (requires Advanced Scheduling module): Ensure that a track is not repeated again in the same daypart, such as Breakfast or Drive, for a period of time. This ensures that regular listeners to a time slot do not hear the same track again for a while.
  • Track dayparting (requires Advanced Scheduling module): Ensure that a track only plays at specific times of the day or week.
  • Hook sequences (requires Advanced Scheduling module): Play a sequence of hooks of songs from a specific track group, or songs that are going to be played in the next 15 to 60 minutes.
  • Backup and restore: Easily create a backup of your PlayIt Live database and settings so they can be restored in the future. Backups can also be created automatically on a schedule.
  • Colouring entire row of playout log items: rather than just the edge of a playout log item being coloured when a track has a track group colour, the entire row can be coloured. This can be changed via settings.
  • Track list columns: The track list columns in Manage Tracks, Listed Track Group and Move Tracks windows can now be customised to include additional columns including album and intro.
  • After 5 minutes of inactivity the playout log on the main interface will return 'Home'.
  • The size and location of the main PlayIt Live window and cart wall windows are now persisted. If you position these in a specific location on screen they will be remembered next time you open PlayIt Live.


  • Added the ability to copy and paste clock items using CTRL+C and CTRL+V when editing clocks
  • Added the ability to copy and paste playout log items on the main interface using CTRL+C and CTRL+V
  • Playout policies can now be disabled
  • The scheduler will now give greater weighting to tracks that have been played longer ago. This reduces the chances of hearing the same song again when there are other suitable songs in the track group available that have not yet been played.
  • Added an indicator to various windows to show if a premium module is licenced and allow you to easily manage your licence or start a trial.
  • Special items on the main interface are now collapsible to save space on smaller screens
  • Setting of cue points has changed appearance to now allow setting of Hook Start and End points


  • jQuery has been updated to v3 as v2 is end-of-life.
  • Fixed crash when tab is pressed when tag popup is shown
  • Unchecking docked QuickCarts in Decks mode did not hide the panel. This is now fixed.
  • Automation could get stuck if a track loaded 'forever'. PlayIt Live will now fail to load a track if it is still loading after 10 seconds.
  • The cue out point of the last item in an advert block was not respected. This is now fixed.
  • The LUFS setting in the Loudness Analysis window was not displayed correctly after the window was reopened. This is now fixed.
  • A voice track placeholder at the start of an hour without a recorded voice track could cause play times of future items to be calculated incorrectly. This is now fixed.
  • It was possible to trigger playout control commands using the keyboard, even when Automation was ON. This is now fixed.

02 Nov 2021 (v2.10.2.3414)


  • Fixing issue where, on the Schedule Clocks window, the incorrect hour was populated when selecting an hour after a daylight savings event
  • Fixing issue where, on the Schedule Clocks window, an hour was missing off the end of a week containing a daylight savings event

07 Oct 2021 (v2.10.2.3366)


  • Restarting the audio device playback should the device hardware stop or disconnect unexpectedly


  • Fixing issue where start time of fixed time marker may not be calculated correctly for fixed time markers with a tolerance

23 Aug 2021 (v2.10.2.3337)


  • Fixing issue where scheduler could under-schedule after changes to the live log such as ending a track early or a missing track is skipped. This could cause playout to stop before a fixed time marker or the end of the hour.

03 Aug 2021 (v2.10.2.3325)


  • Changed how external IP address is determined in the "Help me set up external access" section


  • Fixing bug where expiry date on tracks was not respected

25 Jul 2021 (v2.10.2.3310)


  • Fixing issue where the scheduler could under-schedule an hour when sweepers are placed within the intros of tracks

19 Jul 2021 (v2.10.2.3306)


  • Making generally available
  • Improving monitored folders to clear an analysed Gain when a file has changed so it can be realised by Loudness Analysis

17 Jul 2021 (v2.10.1.3304) (BETA)


  • Fixing issue where Loudness Analysis would get stuck when trying to analysis a missing file.
  • Fixing grouped track group selection on web interface with more than 150 track groups.

14 Jul 2021 (v2.10.1.3302) (BETA)


  • Fixing issue where Loudness Analysis could lock audio files preventing them from being played while being analysed.
  • Fixing issue with Loudness Analysis for users using commas for indicating decimal points (e.g. Europe).

13 Jul 2021 (v2.10.1.3301) (BETA)

New Features

  • Loudness Analysis: Under Tools > Loudness Analysis, analyse tracks in the background so every track in the database has the same loudness. An offset gain is stored against each track.
  • Fitting items to the hour or fixed time marker: PlayIt Live will try its best to fit a selection of tracks to prevent an hour or a fixed time marker from overrunning. With the Advanced Scheduling module the fitting parameters can be changed to improve the fitting further.
  • On-screen clock improvements: It is now possible to display up to three clocks including countdown timers and colour.
  • Track list columns: The main interface track list columns can now be customised to include additional columns including album and intro. These columns can also be searched via Search when visible.
  • Track list width: Given the potential additional columns, the track list can now be resized.
  • Flashing players: When a player is nearing the end of a track, part of the player will flash red. This is available in both Live Assist and Decks Mode. This is turned off by default and can be switched on via Settings.
  • Voice track duration: The voice track duration is now displayed on the segue editor to keep track of how long you have been speaking for.
  • Scheduling Reason: The reason why the scheduler scheduled a particular item can be viewed under Manage > Playout Log. This will show you which clock was used, or if the playout pattern was used.
  • Clock offset: An offset can be configured on the clock to account for a broadcast delay.


  • Track group filtering improvements: It is now possible to filter by Disabled tracks, and filter text and tags with "Does not contain".
  • Keyboard shortcuts has been extended to include toggling of Automation and Log Scheduler, as well as controlling individual Live-Assist players.
  • Automatic ducking has been improved to sound tighter with the voice track


  • The time formatting for the name of remote voice tracking sessions is now correct.

21 Jun 2021 (v2.09.2.3257)


  • Fixing project name shown for remote voice tracking sessions. The time is now shown correctly.
  • Fixing notification text shown when trying to determine the reason why a UNC path audio file failed to load
  • Fixing bug where "Apply this policy to specific track groups" check box may not be persisted

02 Jun 2021 (v2.09.2.3221)


  • Fixing issue where advert scheduler would not schedule if max plays of any advert had been exceeded.
  • Fixing issues where direct priority stream connections could get stuck when disconnecting.
  • Preventing simultaneous direct stream connections by the same user.
  • Preventing anything other than MP3 streams from direct streaming as this is the only type that is supported.

09 May 2021 (v2.09.2.3181)


  • Added "Open Application Data Folder" to Help menu


  • Improving performance of priority streams

06 May 2021 (v2.09.1.3175) (BETA)


  • The Move Tracks window is now resizable


  • Fixing button image alignment issues
  • Fixing various tab orders and default buttons
  • Fixing bug where Scheduled Event Action name was not persisted in clock items after restarting PlayIt Live

04 May 2021 (v2.09.1.3172) (BETA)


  • Improved clarity of Spec Check window to show both Minimum and Recommended spec compatibility.


  • Fixing issue where remote voice tracking users could not log in

04 May 2021 (v2.09.1.3168) (BETA)


  • Fixing bug where Scheduled Event Action might now fire after a fixed time marker

03 May 2021 (v2.09.1.3167) (BETA)

New Features

  • Priority Streams: bring in audio from an external stream such as a Live URL or accept direct stream connections from any Icecast-compatible client. Priority streams are also resilient to silence on the stream or streams disconnecting and reconnecting. This feature requires the Advanced Scheduling Module.
  • Play Next button: when playing the Play button becomes a Play Next button which can be used to advance to the next track.
  • The Pre-Fade Listen window is now re-designed and shown when double-clicking the track list.
  • Additional fields can now be selected when exporting Logged Tracks.
  • Track files can now be dragged and dropped directly onto the track list and added to the PlayIt Live database.
  • Tracks can now be imported via a CSV file should you want to import data from a previous playout system.
  • The track list double-click behaviour can now be configured via settings to open the Edit Track window if desired.
  • CUE files are now supported for tracks. For long-form recordings, CUE files are used to store the details of the tracks within a larger recording. Place a .cue file in the same folder as the track file to have PlayIt Live read this file and update metadata sent to the Internet Broadcast and Now Playing plugins.
  • The displayed clock time and date can be configured via Settings. This format is now used across the entire of PlayIt Live, not just the on-screen clock.
  • Under Help > Spec Check you can now view if your computer meets the minimum and recommended specification requirements for PlayIt Live.


  • The message shown when Automation is ON is now more prominent.
  • The track group dropdown is now longer.
  • The Import Log action on Scheduled Events now supports the PlayIt Playout Log (PIPL) format
  • Recently used actions are now displayed when adding an action to a Scheduled Event. This is useful if you regularly use the same actions.
  • If you have no tracks, you will be prompted via the track list to add some tracks.


  • Fixes to various segue issues related to fixed time markers and skipped items.

11 Apr 2021 (v2.08.2.3090)


  • Resolving an issue where Stop Streams on Internet Broadcast could freeze the application.

10 Apr 2021 (v2.08.2.3084)


  • Fixing issue where segue could get stuck while attempting and failing to connect to an Internet Broadcast stream
  • Fixing bug where a track ending at the exact same time as the target time of a fixed time marker could cause two tracks to start at the same time
  • Fixing bug where playout log could not export if an underlying track had been deleted
  • Fixing advert scheduling that would cause a freeze while scheduling was in progress
  • Speculative fix for crash when finishing a recording of a voice track
  • Fixing "Unable to start multimedia timer" error

18 Mar 2021 (v2.08.2.2988)


  • Red and green triangle markers are now shown on the live-assist progress bar to show when the next track will trigger


  • Speculative fix for issue where track segues would not work for some tracks for some users
  • Fixing Add New button on Clock Schedule to allow clocks to be created when scheduling a clock
  • Fixing clone and delete buttons on playout and advert logs on remote management web interface
  • Fixing defaults when creating recurring clock schedule items
  • Fixing recurring schedule item times when passing over both spring-forward and fall-back daylight savings periods

06 Mar 2021 (v2.08.2.2965)


  • Making generally available.

27 Feb 2021 (v2.08.1.2957) (BETA)


  • Fixing bug where metadata from some streaming servers was not being read correctly.

27 Feb 2021 (v2.08.1.2956) (BETA)

New Features

  • Support for export of playout log hours in PlayIt Playout Log format. Allows for saving of playlists.
  • Support for import of playout log hours in PlayIt Playout Log format. Allows for loading of playlists.
  • Database clean-up feature to delete old playout log items, and redundant voice tracks and uploaded audio store files.
  • Recall previous remote URLs when adding/editing a remote URL item. This is useful if you regularly use the same URL for remote feeds.
  • You can now easily move tracks between track groups via the Move Tracks button on the Track Groups window.
  • You can now edit special items, e.g. fixed time markers, directly in the playout log without removing and re-adding.
  • You can now import, export and clear hours from the [...] ellipsis button on the main interface playout log.
  • Double-clicking a track on the track list will now open the track editor, rather than the Pre-Fade Listen window. The Pre-Fade Listen window has been removed.
  • Remote URL metadata is now passed-through to the Internet Broadcast plugin and Now Playing plugin (requires latest plugin updates).
  • Remote synchronisation now requires a sync key to prevent unauthorised access.
  • Filter track list on the web UI by track group.
  • ASIO audio devices must now be loaded explicitly via Advanced > ASIO. This is to avoid potential conflicts with standard WDM drivers of the same device.


  • Standard WDM audio devices are now only loaded if the device is in use. Previously PlayIt Live would load all devices.
  • M3U imports can now load files with paths relative to the location of the M3U file location.


  • Fixing Play Time format in Remote Management Clocks page which showed times < 60 seconds in decimal format.
  • Fixing handling of Track Group filter strings with ampersands.

14 Feb 2021 (v2.07.2.2934)


  • Fixing bug where playout would not advance to the next track if the previous track was ejected with a custom segue.

01 Feb 2021 (v2.07.2.2914)


  • Adding OGG and MP2 as valid audio file types when adding new tracks.


  • Fixing resizing of clock schedule which did not expand with the window.

19 Jan 2021 (v2.07.2.2906)


  • Fixing memory leak.
  • Fixing "An advert with the same key has already been added" when scheduling adverts. To resolve you may need to re-add adverts to advert campaigns.
  • Fixing "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error when selecting tags when editing a track.
  • Fixing Logged Tracks CSV encoding to ensure diacritics are displayed correctly in Excel.

14 Jan 2021 (v2.07.2.2892)


  • Checking that Playout Policy name and Clock name is entered to avoid blank names.

11 Jan 2021 (v2.07.2.2888)


  • Fixing issue where new tracks would not add to an existing track group

03 Jan 2021 (v2.07.2.2885)


  • Improving network performance of remote voice tracking. Previously tracks could send slowly over the Internet.

30 Dec 2020 (v2.07.2.2884)


  • Fixing possible "Collection was modified" error when scheduling with monitored folders enabled.

21 Dec 2020 (v2.07.2.2881)


  • Monitored folders now only add or update tracks that have a file extensions of a supported audio file (.mp3, .wav, .wma, .mp4, .aac, .flac). This has been added to prevent warnings in logs if PlayIt Live tries to load .txt or .jpg files which commonly sit alongside audio files.


  • Fixing monitored folder feature which would not delete tracks after PlayIt Live restarted

05 Dec 2020 (v2.07.2.2877)


  • Improving Aux Input so it falls back to Device Name if ID/driver has changed due to Windows Update.

03 Dec 2020 (v2.07.2.2876)


  • Fixing bug where creating or editing an advert campaign could cause crash
  • Fixing "Current queue item is null" error caused by overrunning hours
  • Fixing short freeze when tracks were updated with lots of track or complex track groups in the database
  • Preventing flicker of "Drag and drop tracks here" item in live playout log

21 Nov 2020 (v2.07.2.2846)


  • Adding 'New to PlayIt Live?' video for new users to help them get started. If you are not a new user you can watch this via the Help menu.


  • Fixing the date used against valid from/expires date for tracks so that it uses the target date/time in the log, rather than the moment the track is scheduled.
  • Fixing Playout Policy name displayed when showing the Delete confirmation box.
  • Fixing the tab order of the Edit Playout Policy window.

08 Nov 2020 (v2.07.2.2829)


  • Prevent a message box popup when dragging the same QuickCart onto itself
  • Fixing possible failure to load carts if saved with invalid characters

04 Nov 2020 (v2.07.2.2827)

New Features

  • Promoting to stable version

02 Nov 2020 (v2.07.1.2826) (BETA)


  • Fixing audio clipping issue recording via segue editor carts.

28 Oct 2020 (v2.07.1.2825) (BETA)


  • Fixing bug where segue editor could crash after being opened a certain number of times.

26 Oct 2020 (v2.07.1.2824) (BETA)

New Features

  • Added the ability to record carts into a voice track in the segue editor. This can be used to record a bed or station imaging into your voice track recording.
  • Added track 'Type' field. This field can be used in filtered Track Groups. If the Type is not set, it is inferred based on information in the artist, title, tags or duration.


  • Fixed the device assignment grid for Decks Mode settings.

12 Aug 2020 (v2.06.2.2796)


  • Fixing scenarios where automation would not advance to the next item if a remote URL disconnected

08 Aug 2020 (v2.06.2.2792)


  • Fixing error seen by some users when trying to create temporary files.
  • Fixing System.IndexOutOfRangeException error related to hot keys features. Some users report seeing this issue while using AnyDesk.

10 Jul 2020 (v2.06.2.2785)


  • Fixing issue where not all clocks would appear in the dropdown when editing a schedule item on the remote management web interface.

14 Jun 2020 (v2.06.2.2760)


  • Changing plugin engine to fix issue on Now Playing plugin where old tracks could be incorrectly shown.

26 May 2020 (v2.06.2.2758)


  • Fixing issue where PlayIt Live could crash after applying the segue editor if the underlying playout log had changed and differed from what was being edited in the segue editor.
  • Fixing scenario where playout would not advance if a Remote URL failed to load.

06 May 2020 (v2.06.2.2756)


  • Fixing bug where timezones with half-hour offsets would schedule incorrectly from remote management.

17 Apr 2020 (v2.06.2.2755)


  • Adding missing Clone button to clocks page
  • Fixing issue where monitored folders would not update other files in a folder if there was one problematic file

13 Feb 2020 (v2.06.2.2749)


  • Improving the Reason text when an unscheduled item is scheduled. The affecting playout policies will now be listed to help with diagnosing policies that are too strict.

02 Feb 2020 (v2.06.2.2746)

New Features

  • Stable version

29 Jan 2020 (v2.06.1.2745) (BETA)


  • Fixing segue issue where a track could be quickly ejected if a track was played entirely over the top of the previous track

24 Jan 2020 (v2.06.1.2743) (BETA)

New Features

  • Adding web links to live assist log items and the track list. Web links allow quick searches of the artist or title of a track in a web browser. This is useful to get fast information about an upcoming song. Web links can be configured under Settings > Web Links.
  • Adding Track Play Analysis window under Tools to allow you to see how many times a track has been played during a selected time period. It is also possible to export this to CSV.
  • Adding an ellipsis button to items in live assist mode. This shows a menu to access additional options for the log item such as Edit Segue, Delete and web links. It is also possible to show this menu by right-clicking the item.
  • Adding right-click menu to the track list. It is now possible to Edit Track by right-clicking on the item in track list to quickly edit the track.


  • Adding the ability to cancel out of scheduling the playout log if scheduling is taking a long time.
  • The height of live assist log items has been reduced to fit more items on the screen.
  • The height of live assist log items has been reduced further on smaller screens to fit more items on smaller screens.
  • Updating the error window to allow you to explain what you were doing when the error occurred.

23 Jan 2020 (v2.05.2.2738)


  • Adding Calculate Duration and Max Plays when editing advert in Web UI


  • Fixing playout pattern saving in Web UI
  • Fixing display of skipped items because of fixed time marker for hours in the distant future
  • Fixing issue that would prevent the Now Playing plugin from clearing the text when a track has finished playing. You will also need to update your Now Playing plugin.

10 Dec 2019 (v2.05.2.2716)


  • Fixing issue where playout log edit window may not load correctly.
  • Improving checks for .NET 4.7.2 being correctly installed.

04 Dec 2019 (v2.05.2.2714)


  • Fixing crash 'Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.'
  • Fixing issue where some items were skipped incorrectly for fixed time marker

02 Dec 2019 (v2.05.2.2711)


  • Fixing icons on remote management web interface

02 Dec 2019 (v2.05.2.2710)


  • Upgrading BASS audio engine to resolve occasional hangs and crashes

24 Nov 2019 (v2.05.2.2707)


  • Fixing minimum artist separation policy when used with specific track groups.

07 Nov 2019 (v2.05.2.2706)


  • Supporting m3u8 when importing UTF8 encoded M3U log files.


  • Fixing possible Collection was modified error.

05 Nov 2019 (v2.05.2.2704)


  • Fixing possible null reference exception in Advert Campaign window

04 Nov 2019 (v2.05.2.2703)


  • Fixing "Current queue item is null" error when track is faded out early near the top of the hour or fixed time marker.

31 Oct 2019 (v2.05.2.2700)


  • Fixing potential null reference exception
  • Fixing crash when an advert track is deleted that an advert was referencing
  • Fixing crash when a very long track or URL fails to load

23 Oct 2019 (v2.05.1.2694) (BETA)


  • Supporting Fixed Time Marker tolerance via M3U import

17 Oct 2019 (v2.05.1.2688) (BETA)


  • Fixing bug where fixed time marker tolerance set in a clock item was not propagated to the playout log.

15 Oct 2019 (v2.05.1.2687) (BETA)

New Features

  • Added ability to easily delete multiple tracks via web UI
  • Support for multiple artists and related artists
  • Support for fixed time marker tolerance
  • Support for disabled tracks
  • Support for valid from and expiry dates on tracks
  • Added ability to drag and drop items from the past into a future slot in the playout log
  • Added ability to drag and drop QuickCarts into the playout log


  • Remote management web UI re-written internally (converted from AngularJS to React)
  • Licencing system updated. If you have an offline key you will need to re-generate a new key.
  • Added the ability to remove data and settings when uninstalling.
  • Improved scheduling performance
  • Preventing "Require users to log in to use PlayIt Live" without setting an admin password first. This will prevent users from inadvertently locking themselves out.


  • Fixed bug where track list font size would not update via settings
  • Fixed issue where audio files could remain locked after PlayIt Live has finished with them

23 Sep 2019 (v2.04.2.2627)


  • Updating signing certificate

27 Aug 2019 (v2.04.2.2625)


  • Optimising resolving tracks in a listed track group
  • Updating the width of the track selector in the advert editor web interface


  • Resolving memory leak issues with live log
  • Fixing issue where the track group list did not update on the now playing plugin after connecting to remote management server.
  • Fixing issue where PlayIt Live could eagerly skip a track around a fixed time marker
  • Fixing issue with timezones on the advert hour/day selection

03 Apr 2019 (v2.04.2.2596)


  • Fixing issue where a Live Remote URL audio could be delayed

04 Mar 2019 (v2.04.2.2594)


  • Fixing occasional "Value cannot be null." error.

27 Feb 2019 (v2.04.2.2592)


  • Fixing issue that would cause players to not refresh their text after audio settings had been changed.
  • Fixing Add New Tracks wizard for screen heights <800px.

21 Feb 2019 (v2.04.2.2587)


  • Fixing possible error when scrolling the track list
  • Fixing error in monitored folders that could cause the UI to refresh before the UI had loaded

04 Feb 2019 (v2.04.2.2585)


  • Fixing installer checks for Windows Server
  • Fixing issue where some tracks would play silence
  • Fixing issue where an error could be shown after checking number of quick carts

19 Jan 2019 (v2.04.2.2582)


  • Making stable release


  • Fixing occasional crash after closing the Pre-Fade Listen window

05 Jan 2019 (v2.04.1.2576) (BETA)


  • Fixing bug in settings where Settings window would crash for some users
  • Fixing remote voice tracking where Gain value was not passed through to new session

28 Dec 2018 (v2.04.1.2573) (BETA)


  • Fixing crash for some users on the Schedule Clocks window.

27 Dec 2018 (v2.04.1.2572) (BETA)


  • Fixing installer to require Windows 7 SP1 instead of SP3.
  • Fixing track list which dropped the wrong track when an item was dragged from the track list

26 Dec 2018 (v2.04.1.2569) (BETA)

New Features

  • Added Advert Management. Create advert campaigns for each of your sales orders. Then add advert blocks into your clocks or playout log which tell the scheduler where to schedule adverts into the advert log. Advert Management requires the Advanced Scheduling Module, to schedule and play adverts, which can be purchased from the produce page.
  • Added ability to export track list to a CSV file via Manage > Tracks.
  • Added separate silence analysis settings for voice tracks. This will ensure that the start and end cue points of a voice track are not inadvertently cut off.
  • Added ability to schedule more than one hour ahead when log scheduler is ON in live assist. You can find this setting in Settings > Live Assist.
  • Added ability to view segues from previously played items. This allows you to listen to old voice tracks that had previously aired. You can click the 'eye' icon which will replace the 'pencil' edit icon in Live Assist.
  • Installer now checks that you have a compatible version of Windows. You must have at least Windows 7 SP3, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 Anniversary Update.
  • Scheduler will now produce 'unscheduled' slots with a reason when the scheduler is unable to find a valid track for a track group because of playout policies.
  • Added ability to increase the gain of a track or voice track via the segue editor. A default gain can be set for voice tracks via Settings.


  • Updated cue point editor to allow zooming so more precise cue points can be set.
  • Event logs are now deleted after 7 days in order to save disk space.
  • Desktop shortcut can now be created automatically via the installer.
  • Improved performance of the track list on the main interface so it does not reload when the track list changes (adding a track or changing the track group).
  • When a remote voice tracking session is started for an hour that has not been scheduled it will be automatically scheduled.


  • Fixed calculation of dB for silence analysis. For a long time, this was calculated incorrectly. Your existing silence analysis values will be upgraded to be the equivalent correct value.

13 Nov 2018 (v2.03.2.2363)


  • Proving better notification messages to show the reason why some tracks do not load.


  • Updating remote voice tracking to return full voice track instead of partial start and end like songs.
  • Fixing memory leak
  • Fixing Lock Recursion error

30 Oct 2018 (v2.03.2.2354)


  • Fixing scheduling issue related to daylight savings time (Resolves 'could not schedule after 1000 iterations' error).

29 Oct 2018 (v2.03.2.2353)


  • Fixing issue with file path case sensitivity in monitored folders.
  • Fixing potential crash in combo box editor in the playout log editor / clock editor.
  • Fixing possible null reference exception error in the segue editor.
  • Fixing potential hang editing a track, track group, etc.
  • Fixing waveforms on segue editor when using remote tracks using track path substitutions.

13 Jul 2018 (v2.03.2.2253)


  • Fixing issue where System.TypeInitializationException would be shown for some users.

11 Jul 2018 (v2.03.2.2245)


  • Fixing accuracy of synchronised voice track recording duration.
  • Fixing issue where segue of previous track could get inadvertently changes.
  • Fixing ducking volume when ducking was started at the very beginning of a track.

13 Jun 2018 (v2.03.2.2237)


  • Fixing bug when trying to schedule a track group in a playout pattern when no tracks are available.

11 Jun 2018 (v2.03.2.2236)


  • Fixing bug where 'Toggle Segue for Current Item' did not confirm the change when using keyboard or remote start commands.

08 Jun 2018 (v2.03.2.2233)


  • Adding support for Remote Start plugin.


  • Fixing issue where PlayIt Live would not release the file lock on a track file after viewing in the segue editor.
  • Fixing issue where multiple tracks would start if a hard fixed time marker was placed at the top of the hour

30 May 2018 (v2.03.1.2218) (BETA)

New Features

  • Adding support for monitored folders. Automatically add, update and delete track files in a folder.


  • Improving accuracy of segue point triggers in live assist
  • Improving performance when scheduling on-the-fly with long-range (many hours) playout policies


  • Fixing date added filter in filtered track groups

12 May 2018 (v2.03.0.2175)

New Features

  • Adding support for monitored folders. New, changed, or delete track files are automatically updated within PlayIt Live.

09 May 2018 (v2.02.2.2165)


  • Fixing display date of remote voice tracking slots.
  • Fixing occasional hanging issue when loading tracks in segue editor.

29 Mar 2018 (v2.02.2.2093)


  • Fixing FileNotFoundException error some users.

27 Mar 2018 (v2.02.2.2090)


  • Fixing memory leak in the browser when editing many tracks via the web interface.

18 Mar 2018 (v2.02.1.2059) (BETA)


  • Making changes to prevent database locked errors

18 Mar 2018 (v2.02.2.2061)


  • Making stable release

15 Mar 2018 (v2.02.1.2049) (BETA)

New Features

  • Adding support for remote voice tracking. Enable remote connections in PlayIt Live and users can connect using PlayIt VoiceTrack to remotely voice track their show. Ensure you schedule the hour with voice tracks to allow the remote user to edit the hour.
  • User management has been updated to add allowed remote voice tracking hours for users.


  • BASS audio engine upgraded to latest version.
  • Listed track group window can now be resized.


  • Audio device selections are no longer forgotten if a new audio device is connected.

07 Mar 2018 (v2.02.0.2026)


  • Bug fixes

06 Mar 2018 (v2.02.0.2024)

New Features

  • Adding support for remote voice tracking. Enable remote connections in PlayIt Live and users can connect using PlayIt VoiceTrack to remotely voice track their show. Ensure you schedule the hour with voice tracks to allow the remote user to edit the hour.
  • User management has been updated to add allowed remote voice tracking hours for users.


  • BASS audio engine upgraded to latest version.
  • Listed track group window can now be resized.


  • Audio device selections are no longer forgotten if a new audio device is connected.

04 Mar 2018 (v2.01.2.2016)


  • Fixing possible crash when changing the Type column on the clock editor

01 Mar 2018 (v2.01.2.1996)


  • Improving validation on voice tracking settings
  • Improving error messages when trying to record a voice track without a valid microphone selected
  • Removing previously added stall checker as it proved ineffective


  • Fixing bug where missing tracks would cause a crash of the segue editor
  • Fixing loading of FLAC files
  • Fixing memory leaks around segue editor
  • Fixing a crash related to closing the segue editor without stopping the recording

08 Jan 2018 (v2.01.2.1915)


  • Fixing issue that could cause playout to stop when voice track placeholders were left unrecorded.

19 Dec 2017 (v2.01.2.1889)


  • Fixing issue in Decks Mode where Live Assist log could be partially overlaid on top after changing settings making Decks Mode unusable without restarting
  • Fixing potential crash after increasing the number of QuickCart rows
  • Fixing crash when the software was shutting down
  • Fixing occasional issue where aux input playback could stutter
  • Fixing issue in live assist where track could restart when it reaches the end rather than playing the next track
  • Fixing issue where a track after a non-seguing track could start automatically if a sweeper was used previously

12 Dec 2017 (v2.01.2.1874)


  • Making stable release

06 Dec 2017 (v2.01.1.1862) (BETA)

New Features

  • Added ability to play live aux input streams from an external audio device
  • Added ability to create users and restrict permissions to various parts of the user interface
  • Added ability to toggle segue type for the currently playing track via the keyboard
  • Added ability to drop a track from the track list to play next in the playout log via the keyboard


  • Installer now offers to close PlayIt Live if it is already running so it can update files
  • Various performance improvements around the live log user interface


  • QuickCarts not longer get stuck saying "Fading" after clicking when no track is loaded into it
  • Fixed possible NullReferenceException crash when editing tracks
  • Fixed possible NullReferenceException crash when updating the hour overrun time
  • Fixed possible ArgumentOutOfRangeException crash in Insert Track scheduled event
  • Reinstated previously removed Stop and Next icons on Live Assist settings page

18 Nov 2017 (v2.00.2.1783)


  • Adding a check for tracks that have got stuck playing and attempt to restart them


  • Fixing memory leak where database sessions were not correctly disposed
  • Speculative fix that should ensure that PlayIt Live shuts down properly on exit
  • Fixing race condition that could cause tracks to play silently
  • Fixing "Could not find player" crash when switching QuickCart section on or off
  • Fixing issue where a track just dropped into a free slot would play immediately if the previously ended track was set to segue

05 Nov 2017 (v2.00.2.1751)

New Features

  • Added a popup window on first load for existing users explaining the new look and feel and also to verify audio settings as these may have changed after an audio library update.


  • Making stable release
  • Improved the download speed of audio files when viewing the waveform on track pages.


  • Fixed issue when switching between live assist and decks mode.
  • Fixed colour of Comments section when viewing additional information about a track from the live log.
  • Fixed quick cart drag and drop when dragging from the track list

31 Oct 2017 (v2.00.1.1741) (BETA)


  • Fixed remote management sync issues when updating log via PlayIt Live.

30 Oct 2017 (v2.00.1.1740) (BETA)


  • Fixed 'locked' text on Live Assist which still referred to Manual, Semi-Auto and Auto modes which has since been removed.
  • Fixed error which could occur when adding a large number of tracks or other objects.

28 Oct 2017 (v2.00.1.1738) (BETA)

New Features

  • New dark and light themes. The default is now dark, if you wish to change this back, go to File > Settings.
  • Adding VU meters on live assist players.
  • PlayIt Live licencing change. PlayIt Live no longer expires after one year and requiring a new licence. Licence has been updated to include paid-for voice tracking and remote management modules in addition to the free core module. PlayIt VoiceTrack no longer needs to be installed side-by-side with PlayIt Live to enable voice tracking.
  • Remote management of PlayIt Live data is now available directly in PlayIt Live without the need for PlayIt Manager.
  • Added ability to add any file or folder already on the server when using remote management rather than having to upload the file.
  • Added ability to configure audio buffer size which should help any users who are suffering from audio stuttering on slower computers.
  • Hour over/underrun time is now shown for each hour in live assist.


  • Icons are now rendered using SVG which give much better clarity.
  • When synchronised with another remote management server (PlayIt Live or PlayIt Manager) changes are now streamed which means large numbers of updates are applied faster.
  • Hour headings now 'stick' to the top so you know which hour you are looking at when scrolled past the top of the hour.
  • The entire slot is highlighted when dropping an item into an empty slot which is clearer than the previous insert line.
  • Manual, Semi-Auto and Auto modes have been replaced with separate Log Scheduler and Automation ON/OFF switches which makes it a lot clearer what these mean.


  • Fixed segue issue where audio could stop if segues were set beyond the end of track.

13 Aug 2017 (v1.17.2.1647)


  • Fixing issue where file-based URL item would fade out towards the end
  • Fixing issue where PlayIt Live would crash and possibly not restart if a URL with a very long duration was stopped early

12 Jun 2017 (v1.17.2.1641)


  • Fixing bug where scheduled start time was sometimes incorrect across hours.
  • Fixing occasional crash when editing segues where segue was selected as 'stop'

08 Jun 2017 (v1.17.2.1639)


  • Making stable release.

04 Jun 2017 (v1.17.1.1637) (BETA)

New Features

  • Support for sweepers via segue styles on the segue editor
  • Ability to mark tracks as sweepers
  • Ability to tag album metadata on tracks
  • Ability to duck other players when a track is played, including voice tracks
  • Ability to prevent a track from fading when its cue out point is reached


  • Played status is now shown again playout log items via Manage > Playout Log
  • Break note details are now shown when expanding a break node on the live log


  • Live Assist Play Times are now more accurate to include different segues styles

06 May 2017 (v1.16.2.1596)

New Features

  • PlayIt Live is now digitally signed to guarantee authenticity and integrity.


  • Fixing issue where track and track group selection for clocks and playout log and selecting keyboard shortcuts would cause a hang/crash for some users.
  • Fixing performance issues when using track group filters including Year
  • Fixing performance issues when there are lots of playout log items in an hour

03 May 2017 (v1.16.2.1589)


  • Fixing issue with memory leak that would cause a crash after running for a long time.

03 May 2017 (v1.16.2.1588)


  • Installer now has an option (on by default) to take a backup of data and settings when installing a new version.


  • Fixing performance issues when focusing away from the main interface playout log
  • Fixing issue where PlayIt VoiceTrack could not read tracks that were saved since PlayIt Live 1.16 (tracks will be upgraded)
  • Fixing issue where track could not selected for a clock or the playout log

30 Apr 2017 (v1.16.2.1584)


  • Making stable version

27 Apr 2017 (v1.16.1.1582) (BETA)

New Features

  • Improved track editing navigation using back and next buttons
  • Bulk editing of tracks to change multiple fields at once.
  • Tags field on tracks to store additional metadata.
  • Comments field on tracks to store free-text descriptive field.
  • Playout log items on the main interface can be clicked to select and expand for more information, include out cue, genre, year and comment.
  • When selected, the main playout log can be navigated with the keyboard (Up, Down, Page up, Page down, Home)
  • Analyse and resolve tracks where the underlying audio file has been moved or deleted.
  • Analyse and remove duplicate tracks added to PlayIt Live.
  • Filtered track group window now shows what tracks are matched by the entered filter.
  • Time since last played is calculated and shown when a playout log item is expanded if the track was played in the last 24 hours.


  • Folder browser window now uses the built-in Windows folder browser (where available) so folders can be pasted and network (UNC) paths used.
  • It is now possible to add and remove multiple tracks from listed track groups.


  • Fixing issue with zero duration when drawing cue points
  • Fixing issue where waveforms would not be drawn on the segue editor when using track path substitutions from PlayIt Manager
  • Fixing issue that caused the Microphone Mix plugin to stay stuck on.
  • Track list selection is now reset when track group is changed.
  • Filtered track group window now displays symbols for operators rather than 'enum' text.
  • The 'When Added' track field now works for newly added tracks.
  • Grouped track groups that use circular references no longer cause PlayIt Live to hang.
  • Scheduled events can now be cloned.
  • Fixing issues where PlayIt Live did not reconnect to PlayIt Manager after becoming disconnected.
  • When PlayIt Live automatically schedules tracks when connected to PlayIt Manager these changes are pushed to the server.
  • Add New Tracks Wizard window is now centered on the parent window.

31 Mar 2017 (v1.15.2.1444)


  • Fixing issue where edits to segue or voice track recordings were not immediately pushed when connected to PlayIt Manager
  • Fixing intermittent crash while scrolling the live log

29 Mar 2017 (v1.15.2.1440)


  • Fixing crash when trying to play a player with no track loaded in it.
  • Fixing crash when trying to set keyboard shortcut keys.
  • Fixing crash when trying to duplicate an empty clock row.

25 Mar 2017 (v1.15.2.1437)


  • Making stable version

21 Mar 2017 (v1.15.1.1433) (BETA)


  • Ensuring tracks ending early because of a hard fixed time marker are faded.
  • Better handling of playout log items with invalid (missing) tracks
  • Hiding edit button for invalid playout log items

20 Mar 2017 (v1.15.1.1432) (BETA)


  • Fixing issue where XML to Database migration would fail for some users.
  • Fixing live-assist Play Time text width for skipped items.
  • Fixing hours selector on Edit Schedule Item window.

19 Mar 2017 (v1.15.1.1431) (BETA)

New Features

  • Scheduled events allow the ability to trigger actions at a specific time or when PlayIt Live starts.
  • It is now possible to navigate quickly to any time in the playout log by clicking the Go To Time button.


  • Fade envelope on segue editor has been improved. It is now possible to see the waveform volume change as the fade envelope is changed. Volume can now be increased to 500% in order to turn up the volume of recordings more easily.
  • XML data storage has been removed due to performance and maintenance constraints. Any users currently using XML data storage will be automatically migrated to SQLite database storage.
  • Performance improvements in order to reduce the amount of CPU used by the main interface.
  • Behind-the-scenes to improve stability of live-assist automation.

  • Zoom buttons on segue editor now update enabled state correctly when zooming with the mouse wheel.

27 Feb 2017 (v1.14.2.1399)


  • More improvements to tracks unloading immediately after loading in live assist players. Now reported to be fixed.

23 Feb 2017 (v1.14.2.1394)


  • Fixing issue (again) where player could unload immediately after loading.
  • Fixing live assist locking/timeout/hanging issue.

20 Feb 2017 (v1.14.2.1390)


  • Fixing issue where tracks would sometimes unload from live-assist players immediately after loading.
  • Now gracefully handling invalid audio headers when adding tracks.
  • Adding additional logging to identify cause of odd live-assist behaviour.

12 Feb 2017 (v1.14.2.1378)


  • Fixing issue where players would not stay paused.
  • Fixing bug where first player was shown for fourth player when adding an extra player to Live Assist.

04 Feb 2017 (v1.14.2.1377)


  • Making stable version


  • Fixing issue where track would segue for paused players
  • Fixing issue where invalid tracks would continuously try to load

02 Feb 2017 (v1.14.1.1375) (BETA)


  • Added text to indicate that you can manage QuickCart pages by clicking on the page name as this was not clear to some users.


  • Fixed timeout crash when ejecting players in live assist mode.
  • Made user interface more robust to existing invalid playout log settings.
  • Handling invalid durations when requesting the duration of a file from URL.
  • Made segue editor more robust to deleted tracks.
  • Added warning message when trying to add a row when managing the playout log with invalid time ranges.
  • Made scanning tracks from disk more robust to IO errors.
  • QuickCart edit window now shows a validation message when no track has been selected for Track type QuickCart.
  • When clicking the rename button on the QuickCart pages window a message is now shown if no page is selected.

01 Feb 2017 (v1.14.1.1373) (BETA)


  • Fixed issue where track list was hidden when using the Internet Broadcast plugin.

29 Jan 2017 (v1.14.1.1369) (BETA)

New Features

  • Added ability to configure remote files or live streams via URLs.


  • Special log items have been moved to below the track list rather than under a 'Special' tab.


  • Fixed issue on segue editor where dragging a trimmed track may drag respective to the correct.
  • Fixed issue where diacritics (such as an accent or cedilla) were ignored when importing tracks.
  • Applied some speculative fixes for when some tracks would randomly stop rather than segue.
  • Fixed issue where classic carts mode would not show when changed from live assist mode on Windows 10.

20 Nov 2016 (v1.13.2.1342)


  • Fixing installer that caused voice tracking recording to fail when launched from the start menu.

06 Nov 2016 (v1.13.2.1337)


  • Making stable release


  • Fixed issue where blank track search would not show empty artist/title tracks
  • Fixed crash when VoiceTrack licence was invalid
  • Fixed occasional crash when selecting track group icon and colour for track in the log

23 Oct 2016 (v1.13.1.1327) (BETA)

New Features

  • Adding ability to assign colours and icons to tracks for display on the main playout log.
  • Adding ability clone clocks to allow for small adjustments to existing clocks.
  • Adding ability to schedule voice tracks in clocks for later recording in the scheduled log.
  • Adding ability to import logs from external schedulers (M3U and SS32 supported).
  • Adding solo carts - carts that will only play on their own
  • Adding ability to loop carts
  • Adding ability to change the playback behaviour on carts


  • Removing of 'warning' icons on Manage Tracks list as these were misleading and obsolete.


  • Fixing issue were cue points were drawn on segue editor even when waveform is trimmed.

03 Sep 2016 (v1.12.2.1299)


  • Fixing issue where changes to the playout log via PlayIt Live were not synchronised to PlayIt Manager

31 Aug 2016 (v1.12.2.1295)


  • Ensuring scheduling on the live log is done in the background in order to prevent playback from freezing up.
  • Removing asio4all from being initialised as this is problematic for some users.


  • Ensuring clock start times start at the top of the hour and must be at :00 minutes
  • Fixing issue where incorrect date was shown for new schedule items
  • Fixing bug with scheduler for daily repeated items where not all occurences would happen.
  • Fixing the repeat every label to show days/weeks/months/years and increasing amount to 14 so fortnightly schedule items can be created on selected hours.

22 Aug 2016 (v1.12.2.1289)


  • Optimising speed of live playout log interface


  • Fixing loading progress
  • Fixing playout pattern double click add/remove issue
  • Fixing issue where playout would sometimes not segue

18 Aug 2016 (v1.12.2.1284)


  • Fixing issue where live assist automation could stop when very short tracks were played together
  • Fixing issue where current item marker could indicate the incorrect item and scroll could move out of sync with playout

09 Aug 2016 (v1.12.2.1281)


  • Fixing crash when editing QuickCarts
  • Fixing intermittent crash when playing in live assist
  • Fixing issue where dropped tracks would appear in the wrong place in the log

06 Aug 2016 (v1.12.2.1280)


  • Fixing minor bugs

03 Aug 2016 (v1.12.1.1275) (BETA)


  • Fixing bug where playing track would restart if switching from manual or semi-auto to auto mode.

31 Jul 2016 (v1.12.1.1273) (BETA)

New Features

  • Scroll to anywhere in the playout log, back announce more than 3 tracks in the past, plan shows in the future
  • Added segue editor to allow fine tuning of track segues
  • Added voice tracking as a premium feature. Record vocals between songs to give the illusion of a live show.


  • Redesigned live-assist playout log

31 May 2016 (v1.11.2.1186)


  • Fixing issue where clocks would sometimes be applied to the incorrect log hour.

10 Apr 2016 (v1.11.2.1178)


  • Fixing issue where artist and title were not read correctly from the file name of non-MP3 files

02 Apr 2016 (v1.11.2.1176)


  • Making stable version

02 Apr 2016 (v1.11.1.1175) (BETA)


  • Improving performance when synchronising large numbers of tracks

31 Mar 2016 (v1.11.1.1169) (BETA)


  • Fixing loading of data when using XML Files data storage
  • Fixing error when loading some playout policies

27 Mar 2016 (v1.11.1.1164) (BETA)

New Features

  • Adding support for synchronisation of playout pattern with PlayIt Manager
  • Adding support for synchronisation of playout policies with PlayIt Manager
  • Adding support for synchronisation of clocks and clock schedule with PlayIt Manager
  • Adding support for synchronisation of playout log with PlayIt Manager
  • Adding hour indicator to playout log to give a better indication which items are being added to which hour


  • Fixing scheduling issues with modified hours with fixed time markers

16 Feb 2016 (v1.10.2.1122)


  • Updating installer to automatically download and install required .NET framework update KB2468871. This should already be installed if you have Windows Updates turned on.

20 Jan 2016 (v1.10.2.1103)


  • Fixing bug where players would display 00:00 until played when no ASIO devices were present

12 Jan 2016 (v1.10.2.1096)


  • Fixing issues with player timers not counting when ASIO devices are used with certain configurations

07 Jan 2016 (v1.10.2.1089)


  • Adding logging around ASIO to help diagnose some ASIO issues.
  • Updating error handler to send information on .NET updates that are installed to try and trace cause of startup error for only selective users.


  • Fixing issues where audio engine files were not loaded correctly if current directory was set to something other than the Program Files PlayIt Live folder.

01 Jan 2016 (v1.10.2.1082)


  • Upgrading to stable release. Happy New Year!

21 Dec 2015 (v1.10.1.1079) (BETA)


  • Fixing problem where duration would sometimes not be read from tracks.

20 Dec 2015 (v1.10.1.1077) (BETA)

New Features

  • Supporting synchronisation of PlayIt Live track and track group data via connecting to PlayIt Manager
  • Adding duplicate handling when adding new tracks


  • Bug fixes

07 Nov 2015 (v1.09.2.1048)


  • Fixing bug where playout would stop after running in manual mode for a long time (5 hours +)

10 Sep 2015 (v1.09.2.1037)


  • Fixing bug where players could randomly stop when log refreshed in background
  • Fixing random playout crashes
  • Fixing bug where plugins could not be installed for some users who used offline activation

30 Aug 2015 (v1.09.2.1027)


  • Fixing issue with very short tracks causing playout to stop completely.

29 Aug 2015 (v1.09.2.1026)


  • Disabling built-in Plugin Gallery on Windows XP as this is not supported.

28 Aug 2015 (v1.09.2.1025)


  • Upgraded to stable version


  • Fixing pausing issues
  • Fixing intermittent crash when using XML data formats
  • Fixing hanging issues on player carts
  • Fixing bug where some audio devices was unintentionally muted

19 Aug 2015 (v1.09.1.1013) (BETA)


  • Changing 'ON AIR' text to 'PLAYING' on Live Assist players as this was misleading when not actually broadcasting


  • Fixing intermittent playback crash
  • Fixing error reading some 'unknown' timezones
  • Fixing keyboard shortcuts attempting to be triggered from activation window before application had fully initialised
  • Fixing crash on cart player stop since last release

18 Aug 2015 (v1.09.1.1007) (BETA)


  • Fixing bug with filtered track groups using Year
  • Fixing Stop events for players on Plugin Engine

14 Aug 2015 (v1.09.1.1003) (BETA)

New Features

  • Added embedded plugin gallery under Plugins > Plugin Manager


  • Upgraded audio engine to support audio based plugins
  • Plugin engine interface enhancements - some developer plugins may need upgrading


  • Plugins can now be installed from the website via the Plugins page
  • Fixed bug where ASIO devices fade envelope did not get reset once used
  • Fixed issues where some computers were regularly asked for reactivation at startup
  • Fixed broken Added date filter on track groups

06 Jul 2015 (v1.08.2.806)


  • Fixing a bug that prevented some users from starting up.

08 Feb 2015 (v1.08.2.805)


  • Fixing issue where module loader was shown for too long on startup
  • Fixing issue where message box was sometimes shown under current window.

02 Feb 2015 (v1.08.2.803)


  • Fixing bug where mono tracks were played at double speed for ASIO devices
  • Ensuring 'Not Before' fixed time marker is not generated if fixed time marker already exists at start of clock
  • Fixing bug which caused crash with some XML serialisations
  • Fixing bug when setting whitespace character keyboard shortcuts

04 Jan 2015 (v1.08.1.791) (BETA)

New Features

  • Adding ability to control the software with keyboard commands.


  • Updating onscreen clock so it can be displayed in 12 hour format or completely disabled.
  • Disabling QuickCart right click eject when in Playback mode. You can re-enable this feature from Settings > QuickCarts.
  • Upgrading to use .NET Framework 4.0

16 Dec 2014 (v1.07.0.754)


  • Fixing bug loading some data from eastern time zones.
  • Fixing intermittent bug related to cursors failing to initialise

05 Dec 2014 (v1.07.0.744)


  • Fixing issue where track list would appear empty.
  • Fixing issue tracks loaded from the file system would stop randomly.

25 Nov 2014 (v1.07.0.741)


  • Fixing bug where cart wall would be shown at startup regardless of setting.

22 Nov 2014 (v1.07.0.740)


  • Stable release.

22 Nov 2014 (v1.07.1.735) (BETA)

New Features

  • Adding file type filter for valid audio file types on QuickCart edit Browse button.
  • Adding ability to double click on page in Quick Pages window to navigate to that page.
  • Adding ability to duplicate and re-order items when editing Playout Clocks.


  • Fixing issue where QuickCart Cue In point was not stored.
  • Fixing bug where some tracks dropped on QuickCart were added as File instead of Track.

13 Nov 2014 (v1.07.1.725) (BETA)


  • Fixing plugin engine that had stopped working.

11 Nov 2014 (v1.07.1.720) (BETA)


  • Fixing drawing issue on schedule grid.

09 Nov 2014 (v1.07.1.715) (BETA)


  • Layout fixes

09 Nov 2014 (v1.07.1.713) (BETA)

New Features

  • Adding QuickCart paging, editing, and colouring.
  • Adding support for ASIO sound cards.
  • Adding onscreen clock to main window showing the current date and time.


  • Fixing crash when add new tracks wizard window was closed when progressing tracks.
  • Fixing crash when add new tracks wizard tries to access a folder the user does not have access to read.
  • Fixing bug when fixed time marker was dropped was sometimes assigned to incorrect hour.

30 Oct 2014 (v1.06.0.664)


  • Speculative fixes around bugs in list view and mouse cursors.

22 Oct 2014 (v1.06.0.641)


  • Fixing bug around quick carts being duplicated when new rows are added.

18 Oct 2014 (v1.06.0.633)


  • Stability improvements around playout automation and timers.

11 Oct 2014 (v1.06.0.625)


  • Timer bug fix

03 Oct 2014 (v1.06.0.620)


  • Improved error reporting.

01 Oct 2014 (v1.06.0.610)

New Features

  • Reinstating deck numbers for carts in Decks Mode.


  • Stability improvements around playout automation.
  • Adding additional logging to check state of timers which have been reported to be freezing.

26 Sep 2014 (v1.06.0.599)


  • Adding additional logging around list change events to track down cause of reported errors when searching for tracks.


  • Fixing bug where track group selection and searching tracks did not filter tracks list on tracks window.
  • Fixing functionality around analyse button on track edit window.

22 Sep 2014 (v1.06.0.590)


  • Fixing bug where exporting logged tracks to CSV did not work.
  • Fixing performance issues with large numbers of tracks.

08 Aug 2014 (v1.06.0.559)


  • Fixing bug where ID3 artist and title tags were not read from MP3 files.

30 Jul 2014 (v1.06.0.546)


  • Fixing bug around scrollbar positioning.

24 Jul 2014 (v1.06.0.543)


  • Fixing list view intermittent error

23 Jul 2014 (v1.06.0.542)


  • Fixing bug around right click on Logged Tracks list
  • Fixing divide by zero bug when quick carts per row is 0
  • Fixing intermittent bug when tracks list dropdown value is changed

19 Jul 2014 (v1.06.0.536)


  • Bug fixes from user reported errors. Thanks!

18 Jul 2014 (v1.06.0.516) (BETA)


  • Scheduler improvements and enhanced database performance

11 Jul 2014 (v1.06.0.503) (BETA)


  • Bug fixes around playout and fixed time markers

25 Apr 2014 (v1.06.0.455) (BETA)


  • Bug fixes

06 Apr 2014 (v1.06.0.430) (BETA)

New Features

  • Adding clocks and playout log scheduling


  • Framework changes to improve automated testing

16 Feb 2014 (v1.05.0.276)

(Download: 32bit / 64bit)


  • Fixing bug in plugin engine where OnCartStart event was not raised.

26 Nov 2013 (v1.05.0.272)

(Download: 32bit / 64bit)


  • Adding plugin property to get currently selected track from track list.

24 May 2013 (v1.05.0.208)

(Download: 32bit / 64bit)

New Features

  • Adding tag reading for files other than MP3.


  • Fixing file filter in the Add Tracks wizard to include all supported file types.

09 May 2013 (v1.05.1.201) (BETA)

(Download: 32bit / 64bit)

New Features

  • Adding PFL window feature. Double-click on a track on the track list to listen to a track prior to broadcast.


  • Minor changes to the plugin engine to allow extra classes to be defined.


  • Fixing a bug around playing QuickCarts via the plugin engine

08 Apr 2013 (v1.04.0.194)

(Download: 32bit / 64bit)


  • Fixing further issues where queued tracks were not always assigned to the correct player.

04 Apr 2013 (v1.04.0.191)

(Download: 32bit / 64bit)


  • Fixing bug where queued tracks were not always assigned to the correct player.

31 Mar 2013 (v1.04.0.189)

(Download: 32bit / 64bit)


  • Fixing bug where time was displayed in UTC/GMT instead of local time

17 Mar 2013 (v1.04.0.183)

(Download: 32bit / 64bit)


  • Stable release from previous beta releases

10 Mar 2013 (v1.03.1.179) (BETA)

(Download: 32bit / 64bit)

New Features

  • Adding support for FLAC


  • Extending plugin engine to handle keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys)

26 Feb 2013 (v1.03.1.172) (BETA)

(Download: 32bit / 64bit)


  • Minor bug fixes around loading plugins

25 Feb 2013 (v1.03.1.170) (BETA)

(Download: 32bit / 64bit)


  • Adding additional functions to plugin engine to clear future log items and play the next track in Live Assist mode.
  • Improvements to playout engine
  • Adding additional help items


  • Fixing critical bugs reported by users via error reporting

08 Feb 2013 (v1.03.1.166) (BETA)

(Download: 32bit / 64bit)


  • Fixing bug where logged track times were being displayed in UTC rather than local time.

30 Jan 2013 (v1.03.0.161)

(Download: 32bit / 64bit)


  • Bug fix around resizing in live assist mode

30 Jan 2013 (v1.03.0.159)

(Download: 32bit / 64bit)


  • Improvements and bug fixes to the plugin engine

23 Jan 2013 (v1.03.0.154)

(Download: 32bit / 64bit)


  • Bug fixes.

22 Jan 2013 (v1.03.0.149)

(Download: 32bit / 64bit)

New Features

  • Adding plugin engine - customise PlayIt Live to your needs
  • Adding scrollbar to playout log
  • Adding ability to save QuickCarts to disk
  • Adding QuickCarts on separate window (cart wall)
  • Adding a fourth player option for Live-Assist mode
  • Adding settings for audio device for track editor
  • Adding settings for silence analysis
  • Adding Logged Tracks manager and export to CSV


  • Playout engine completely re-written


  • Various bug fixes

13 Jun 2012 (v1.02.0.100)

(Download: 32bit / 64bit)


  • Fixing bug with installer that caused add new tracks wizard to fail

12 Jun 2012 (v1.02.0.97)

(Download: 32bit / 64bit)

New Features

  • Adding about box with latest version checking
  • Adding notification bar to display important messages without disruption.


  • Database performance improvements.
  • Improving user experience in listed track groups window.
  • Improving message when audio file cannot be found or is corrupt.


  • Bug fixes around adding or editing tracks
  • Fixing bug where tracks were not assigned to existing track group on add
  • Fixing some issues with the installer
  • Fixing whitespace issues on list view

26 Apr 2012 (v1.02.1.74) (BETA)

(Download: 32bit / 64bit)


  • Fixing bug where tracks were not assigned to existing track group on add

13 Apr 2012 (v1.02.1.73) (BETA)

(Download: 32bit / 64bit)


  • Database performance improvements.


  • Bug fixes around adding or editing tracks

03 Apr 2012 (v1.01.0.63)

(Download: 32bit / 64bit)


  • Bug fixes and performance improvements

02 Apr 2012 (v1.00.0.61)

New Features

  • Initial Release


PlayIt Software is based in the heart of Cambridge, England, United Kingdom.
You can get in touch with us by the following methods:

PlayIt Software Ltd
184 Cambridge Science Park
Milton Road
United Kingdom
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