You can download Speccy to understand your own system information. Speccy is a third-party utility developed by Piriform.

NOTE: If you are making heavy use of Remote Voice Tracking, or are using Remote Studio then the Recommended specs are required.

Beware of low-cost VPS providers (e.g. Contabo): shared resources can mean unpredictable performance. Opt for a dedicated server or use our trusted cloud partners.

Minimum Recommended
Operating System Windows 7 SP1 Windows 10 or 11
CPU (example) Desktop
6th Gen Intel Core i3
Mobile (Laptop)
6th Gen Intel Core i5

(or equivalent AMD)
6th Gen Intel Core i7
Mobile (Laptop)
10th Gen Intel Core i7

(or equivalent AMD)
CPU Score 3500 8000 Check your CPU score at: CPU Benchmark
CPU Cores 2 4
Memory (RAM) 4GB 8GB
Hard Drive* 500GB
Hard Drive 7200rpm
500GB SSD for Operating System, Install and Database
+1 TB Hard Drive for Audio
* Application install requires 200MB.
Application data and logs requires 100MB+.
Space for audio files:
10,000 four minute MP3 files at 256 kbps = ~80GB
10,000 four minute WAV files at 44.1kHz = ~400GB
Audio Device Built-in audio PCI or USB Audio Sound Card

e.g. Roland Octa Capture

or USB Broadcast Mixer
e.g. D&R Webstation or D&R Airlite
*7.1 Surround Sound Cards are not supported for splitting audio to multiple mixer channels


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